Our Story

Our founders, recognized the need for a more accessible and patient-centered approach to mental health care. Inspired by their passion for helping others and the need to eradicate stigma in mental health, they pursued a career in Behavioral health, eventually establishing Brightlight Oasis Psychiatry and Counseling.

Our Story

Finding our vision

With a vision of offering comprehensive and tailored services, Brightlight Oasis assembled a team of compassionate and experienced professionals. As telehealth emerged as a powerful tool for increasing accessibility, Brightlight Oasis embraced this innovative approach, bringing mental health care directly to clients' homes

Brightlight Oasis Established

Brightlight Oasis embraced telehealth technology to provide remote consultations and therapy sessions, expanding its reach and improving access to mental health care for clients in need

Telehealth Integration

Brightlight Oasis embraced telehealth technology to provide remote consultations and therapy sessions, expanding its reach and improving access to mental health care for clients in need.

Expanding Services

Brightlight Oasis implemented in-person consultations and expanded its service offerings to provide specialized care for a diverse range of mental health conditions. Furthermore, it incorporated evidence-based therapeutic techniques to enhance the quality of care delivered to clients.

Growing Team of Professionals

Brightlight Oasis continued to grow, welcoming more experienced and dedicated mental health professionals to the team, further enhancing the quality of care and support for clients.